Higher floodplain meadows with tall herb / woody shrubs adjacent to these low-lying water meadows. Floodplain forest of sycamore and river birch overhangs plot on west bank. Road and agricultural fields with thin (a few meters) forest buffer on east bank. Private land.;Linear community of Justicia - Ptilimnium on upturned thin - bedded sandstone bedrock bars in channel. Community kept open by high water table and flooding. Herbaceous plants growing in narrow, shallow cracks in the bedrock. Community is inundated during high flows. Similar to plots MORG.6,8,11, the Justicia - Ptilimnium community represents the drier limit of where Justicia can dominate (most Justicia roots are on dry cobble out of the stream at this time as opposed to the other Justicia stands that are fully inundated today.
Plot was placed in channel bed from bank to bank, including river and bedrock bar islands and banks, to capture Justicia - Ptilimnium community.